The Nandi Way..
Satya. Dharma. Shanti. Prem.
The Nandi Way:Nandi is the bull vahana of the Lord Shiva, meaning happiness, joy, and satisfaction. He is also the guardian deity of Kailash, the abode of Shiva.
He is considered the chief guru of eight disciples of Nandinatha Sampradaya, namely Sanaka, Sanatana, Sanandana, Sanatkumara, Tirumular, Vyagrapada, Patanjali, and Sivayoga Muni. These eight disciples were sent in eight different directions of the world by Nandi, to spread this knowledge
The bull is a symbol of stability sitting on four legs, representing
To harvest the seeds of human potential on the values of truth, righteousness, peace and love.
Mission:For Early Years:
As clearly dictated by the EECE framework by the Govt of India,
our objectives for early years include:
Ensure each child is valued, respected, feels safe and secure and develops a positive self-concept
Enable a sound foundation for physical and motor development of each child- as per each child’s potential
Imbibe good nutrition routines, health habits, hygiene practices and self-help skills
Enable children for effective communication and foster both receptive and expressive language
Promote development and integration of the senses
Stimulate intellectual curiosity and develop conceptual understanding of the world around by providing opportunities to explore, investigate and experiment
Enable a smooth transition from home to ECCE centre to formal schooling
Enhance scope for overall personality development
Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) encompass the inseparable elements of care, health, nutrition, play and early learning within a protective and enabling environment. It is an indispensable foundation for lifelong development and learning, and has lasting impact on early childhood development.
Children also differ in their physical, emotional, social, and cognitive capacities. Each child requires a safe and nurturing environment to develop optimally.
Regardless of income, social status, geographic isolation, and other potential barriers, all children deserve and have a right to inclusive and equitable opportunities to build on their unique strengths.
For Primary Years:
For Middle School:
Our mission is to prepare and motivate our students for a rapidly changing world by instilling in them critical thinking skills, a global perspective, and a respect for core values of honesty, loyalty, perseverance, and compassion. Students will have success for today and be prepared for tomorrow.
For High School:
Our High School is a student-centered organization delivering excellence in education. Our team is committed to our students, our communities, and each other. We believe that our cohesion and morale help us to achieve excellence in our school. Our commitment to our students and our dedication to impacting their education through innovative methods makes us unique.
Dear parents,
Welcome to the Nandi Educational Institutions family. At Nandi School, we believe that every human being ( vyakti) has a latent strength (shakti) which is waiting to be realized. A strength which is moving towards perfection.
Phone: +91-9880152211
E-Mail: info@nirs.edu.in
Website: www.nirs.edu.in